
So I guess it's true of the saying 'The early bird catches the worm'.

No matter how late you wake up the next day, that previous late night will result you in being tired, lacking energy, and all in all low productivity.

Take for example my tennis game today, most of my shots were long and lacking 'punch'. In fact, I couldn't think of a time when I was as tired as this after a game.

So this calls for a change, a switch for the better. Guaranteed there's still bound to be late nights as per usual, but I'm gonna try to cut it down.

Yay me.


Samantha Chow said...

good idea. i should do the same as well

Ying Xuan said...

what have u done last night har?
actually,I'm also tired today during the match...but it's mentally. Too much things going on recently
But it didn't have anything to do with my lousy shots.haha!

Joash Wee said...

sam, yeah, we all should, in some ways or another.

Joash Wee said...

yeah. we should get new balls man. the current dunlop ones are retarted already.

Anonymous said...

okok sure sure
btw, where is the newest one ar? The can which 3 of us shared.