Bono Is Ma Date

Writing takes inspiration and it isn't just some way all-do it all statement. Today our new RFP lecturer Mrs G gave us 2 questions to chew over during the getting-to-know-you session. How would you define writing in a single sentence? Which famous person living or dead would you want to have dinner with?

Seemingly simple questions. But I found the writing one particularly notable to munch over with. I mean, I do love writing, but for me, anytime doesn't mean anytime if you get ma drift. There are times when even though the brain juice is working overtime, the juice just won't flow. The idea is there , the substace is just waiting for me to hold on to but when I put it out into words, I'm just not content with the results it produces.

Tireness? Maybe. Or it may be that I need some booster to turn up the confidence level. I tend to like, compare my writings with the others and that is where the comparing starts. Yeah, I know we all have different ways of pouring our thoughts into actions. So I guess improvement is the best relief pill there is. Various ways that, in that sense.

Ah, inspiration, inspiration.

Ok, enough of that. For ques 2, I chose Bono for my date. Why? Besides the usual face that he's the lead for the biggest band ever, I chose this dude because of the way he potrays himself. No celebrity ooh ahhs and definitely no chi hua huas sticking their small bony asses out of his bag. The social awareness that he's trying to create sets this guy apart from others. I mean, he could easily go, "I'm the in arguably the biggest band ever, millions rolling in, as long as I'm settled, who gives a damn bout the third world? But he doesn't.

Read this interview he gave to Rolling Stone some years back. Very insightful and gives you a glimpse of what he is fighting for. And you can tell that he knows his stuff.

Ok, enough of extolling the virtues of him. For ques 2, many varied answers came out. Jessica Alba, Jude Law (coming from a guy), Adolf Hitler, Gandhi, Tom Hanks, Princess Diana, Prince William, Oprah, Christiano Ronaldo were all mentioned. But the best came from Ivan la.

"Whoever want to pay for it then can already".


Joyce said...

ooh.. so this is it.. haha .. what course is this ?

Anonymous said...

I really LOL-ed at Jude Law! haha!
where's tunku abdul rahman?
i actually wanted to say Dr. M coz i wanted to exchange political views with him! =P

Joash Wee said...

hey joyce, RFP stands for Reporting For Print where we basically explore writng for press releases, news etc.

Joash Wee said...

yea, and maybe you could ask him about the anwar issue.. :p